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1. Koinonia John the Baptist Community

Koinonia John the Baptist community was founded in 1979 by Fr. Ricardo Argañaraz, an Argentinian priest. Following a powerful experience of the Holy Spirit, he withdrew in retreat to an abandoned settlement, called Camparmò, in the mountains of Vicenza, Italy. There he began a life devoted to prayer, manual work and study, and was soon joined by other brothers and sisters who shared his desire to consecrate their lives to the Lord.

          In the solitude, characteristic of those early years, certain foundational elements were established for this new community. These included prayer, attentiveness to the Word of God, the experience of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, fraternal friendship, acceptance and welcome of brothers and sisters, openness in sharing and trust in the providential hand of God the Father.

                  The community was officially founded on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, 1st January 1979, during a pilgrimage to the 'Holy House' in Loreto. After the early years of complete solitude, the community gradually increased their pastoral activities, forming communities devoted to evangelization and to the formation of evangelizers

                 Jeevan Jyothi community which began by the initiative of Fr.Raju Mathew in 1996, aafter years of journeying together with Koinonia John the Baptist Community in discernment,(from 2006 onwards) and having received the favourable opinion and support form respective bishops, at its own request the community become part of the world wide Koinonia. As a result it was accepted and welcomed as an integral part of the Federazione delle Koinonie Giovanni Battista on 12th December 2012.

                 Koinonia John the Baptist is a community at the service of New Evangelization. The charism of Koinonia is the promotion of the New Evangelization, an evangelization new in its ardour, methods and expression.This is done by focussing on three main aspects: proclamation of the kerygma, use of the spiritual charisms, and life in the community.

              Currently,Koinonia John the Baptist has more than 30 communities of consecrated life, to which numerous Realities are attached. The total number of members(including lay people, consecrated brothers and sisters, and priests) is more than 9000(data from 2017). The community is present in many nations across all five continents.

                  The community members spend time in the Eucharistic Adoration and intercession and each day pray for a particular parish and for all its intentions.This way the community supports the mission of the diocese silently.The community has been working in the diocese since 2002.presently the community has its main center in Meghnagar and it has a prayer center in Bakrol (Anand) Ahamdabad diocese.


Patron of the community: St.John the Baptist

Feast Day                           : 24th June

Director                              : Fr.Raju Mathew

Prior                                    : Sheeba Varghese

Assistant Priors                 : Mathiyas Gundiya & Julia Samaria

In-charge of externals      : Anand Meda & Malsingh Damor

Address                              : Koinonia John the Baptist Community

                                              Sahara- Gujarpada Road,

                                              Meghnagar P.O.

                                              Jhabua Dist, M.P. 457 779

Phone                                 : 9425086260, 8320433273,



2. Vishwa Jyoti Ashram, Bhandaria

Vishwa Jyoti was established on 4th August 2003, at Bhandaria in the Diocese of Jhabua. The Ashram remains with the vision of inner peace, world peace, integral liberation, communal harmony and universal brotherhood. It is a centre for sadhana by which one rises up to Poornodaya (self awareness), Vishwodaya (social awarness), Sarvodaya (universal awareness), Brahmodaya (God awareness) with a vision of inner harmony with individuals, families, communities and inner harmony at large resulting in personal wholeness, interiority, depth freedom and awareness. Our mission is to introduce forgiving love of the father in Heaven, in this world by experiencing God and let Him be experienced.

Address     :         Vishwa Jyoti Ashram,

                              Bhandaria, P.O. Bangor

                              Via Meghnagar- 457779,

                              Jhabua Dist., M.P.

Tel              :         07392- 294789

Directress :         Sr. Bidu, Contact No. 9098450299


Meghnagar, Jhabua Dist.

Madhya Pradesh 457779


Tel: 07390-284829 |


​Monday to Friday : 09:00 am to 01:00 pm

03:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Saturday : 09:00 am to 01:00 pm


Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays


Catholic Church Campus, Chetanya Marg, Jhabua 457661 Madhya Pradesh 


Mob: 9589603437 |


​Monday to Friday : 09:00 am to 01:00 pm

03:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Saturday : 09:00 am to 01:00 pm


Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays


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