Divine Mercy CHURCH
A short history: - St. Ann Parish in Ratlam is almost 150 years old. Taking notice of the rapid expansion of the Ratlam town in all directions, the Diocese of Indore purchased 3 plots of land along the Sailana road in Barbad village with a view to future expansion of pastoral and educational activities. But nothing was to happen in this regard for many years mainly due to lack of personnel and funds. In the year 2002, the Diocese of Indore was bifurcated and the new diocese of Jhabua was formed. The new diocese made rapid developments by opening new mission stations and by expanding and consolidating the old ones. Finally in the year 2009, Fr. Thomas P.T. was appointed to Barbad for starting a new parish and a new school in view of educating the children from the rural areas surrounding Ratlam town. On Sunday 4th July 2010, the new parish named “Divya Karuna Thirth” was blessed and inaugurated by Most Rev. Bishop Devprasad Ganawa SVD. On the same day the Divine Mercy Mission School and Rani Niketan Convent also were blessed and inaugurated. FCC Sisters of Amla Province Bhopal are engaged in various apostolate in the new parish. The Parish is in the process of developing in to the pilgrim centre of Divine Mercy (Divya Karuna Thirth).
Patron Saint : Divine Mercy of Jesus
Parish Feast : Second Sunday of Easter
Address : Divya Karuna Tirth
Trimurthy Nagar, Sailana Road
Barbad Village, Ratlam 457001, M.P.
Pastor : Fr. Manoj Ekka
RELIGIOUS : Francisacan Clarist Congregation (FCC)
INSTITUTIONS : Divya Karuna Mission High School
NAMLI : St. Joseph’s Convent school
Namli,Dist. Ratlam
Principal : Sr. Nidhi, CSSJ
St. Anne’s CHURCH
A short history:- In the mid-19th C. when the Delhi-Mumbai Railway line was opened, the British Govt. in India recruited railway workers. To give facilities for Catholic railway workers basically of British origin the Church of St. Anne’s was established. It was taken care by Franciscan (Cap) fathers. In the course of time it was developed into a full-fledged parish. When Indore Diocese was established in 1933, SVD fathers took care of it and today Diocesan Priests are in charge.
Patron Saint : St. Anne’s
Parish Feast : 26th July
Address : St. Ann’s Church
98-a, Railway colony,
Ratlam- 457001, M.P.
Pastor : Fr. Casmir Damor, SVD
Assistant : Fr. Nilesh Singadiya
RELIGIOUS : Congregation of Visitation Sisters
: Congregation of Sisters of
St. Joseph Of Chambery (CSSJ)
: Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate
: Missionaries of Charity (MC)
INSTITUTIONS : St. Anne’s School,
: St. Joseph’s Convent School
: Nirmala Convent School
: Ish Prem Leprosy Centre
: Nirmala Bhavan, Old age home